Thursday, June 30, 2016

Style Icon Of the Month: Lauren Conrad

One celebrity's style that I love is Lauren Conrad. Her outfits are always so cute, chic, classy, and girly. From what I can see, her street style consists of lots of blues, blacks, whites, stripes, lace, dresses, and skirts. I also love how she mixes patterns between het tops and her shoes. 

Monday, June 27, 2016

Summer Bucket Llist

Hey Guys! So, since summer is here, I thought a would share my bucket list for summer 2016. I hope this can give you some ideas of some fun things you can do this summer.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Summer Wishlist

Happy Summer everyone! With summer comes non stop weekends, vacations, pool parties, and road trips. Also, summer is a great time for some new accessories and clothing pieces added to your closets. I recently discovered a new website called Spring and they have tons of accessories and clothing items that are perfect for summer. There is an accessories store on the website that is dedicated to hats, gloves, jewelry, sunglasses, and more. Their shop includes over 850 brands, some of my favorites being: Kate Spade, Jack Rogers, Lilly Pulitzer, Rebecca Minkoff, and Urban Outfitters.  

I love how the site has so many different brands to choose from, therefore, people who have many different styles can shop there and find something they love. Since Spring has so many brands I love, I thought I would show you guys what is on my summer wish list this year! All of the items I mention will be from the brands on the site. Be sure to check them out with the links listed. Enjoy! 

I hope you guys enjoyed this post and that it gave you some ideas for your summer Wishlist! Be sure to check out the Spring website, as well as their social media within the links down below. :)

Website:Shop Spring
Instagram: Spring
Twitter: Spring
Facebook: SpringNYC
Pinterest: SpringNYC

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Colors, Tassels, and Pom Poms

Three trends that I am absolutely loving this summer are bright colors, tassels, and pom poms. They are everywhere! I don't even know how many blogs I have seen them on this year. These are some of my favorite dresses, shoes, cover ups, and accessories featuring colors, tassels, and pom poms. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

How to Have a Productive Day

If you know me, then you know that I always have to be organized and I love being productive and getting things done. My friends always laugh at the size of my planner (it's so big!) and that I have loads of writing, highlighting, and underlining in it...I even color code my classes. Although, you don't have to take it to the level that I do. One of the main reasons that I like being productive is so I can have some time to myself at the end of the day, and not have "to dos" hanging over my head. Here are my tips on how to have a productive day. 

Get up early and get going 
One of the worst things you could do when you want to have a productive day is wake up late and then sit in bed scrolling through twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. You're definitely not going to feel like getting up after you do this and before you know if your whole day will be over. Set your alarm the night before, wake up early, and start going! You will most likely be done with everything you have to do by mid day and you will have the rest of the afternoon/evening to check your notifications and finish that last Gossip Girl episode on Netflix. 

Make To Do lists
This is probably the best thing you can do if you want to be productive. Sure, we all have things that we need to do in our heads, but we might not necessarily do them. If you write them down, then you will feel obligated to do them. This is why the notes app on our iPhones is so perfect (I usually just make my to do lists on there.) Also, it will feel great going through your list and checking off all of the things you have completed. 

When being productive, you don't necessarily have to get everything done at once. Go through your tasks, pick out the most important ones, and focus on those first. After you have the hardest ones checked off and out of the way, going through the easy ones will be a piece of cake!

Eliminate Distractions
By distractions I mean technology. If you are working on a 10 page research paper for a class, don't have twitter open on your phone next to you. All this will do is distract you. Unless you need to ask a classmate a question about the paper, don't text anyone. Don't have a the TV on in the background, turn it off. Unless you know you work well with music playing, turn it off. I recommend turning your phone off and putting it away for the duration that you are working.

Find a change of scenery
Working, studying, exercising, etc. can get pretty boring if you do it everyday inside. If you are at home or in the library studying, bring your books into your backyard or to a nearby park. This will be even easier to do now that the weather is nicer and warmer. If you run on a treadmill in your local gym everyday, change it up a bit and run around your neighborhood. Not only is going outside a great chance to get some fresh air, but it will help clear your head and make you much happier. 

I hope you guys enjoyed this post and I hope it inspired you to have a productive day! If you have any tips on how to have a productive day, please let me know. I would love to hear them :)

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Interview with The College Prepster

I am so excited. Last week, I got the opportunity to interview one of my all-time favorite fashion bloggers, Carly from The College Prepster and feature the interview right here on my blog. Carly was such an inspiration to why I started my blog, so I loved getting the chance to hear why she started her blog, what her inspirations were, what some of her favorite brands are, as well as her favorite hobbies. Don't forget to head over to Carly's blog! The College Prepster

When did you start blogging?
I started blogging in 2008, right after my first semester at Georgetown.

What inspired and influenced you to start your blog? Any particular reasons?
My blog was born out of a need for a creative outlet. I was struggling to adjust to college life and needed something to distract me and something to look forward to. The blog was the perfect solution!

How did you come up with the name for your blog, “The College Prepster”?
Originally it was College Prep, kind of a play on words and then I would refer to myself as "the college prepster." Over time, I dropped the College Prep and just went with College Prepster!

Did you always have a love for fashion?
I've always been interested in it, but it wasn't really something I thought too much about growing up!

Where did you go to college? What did you major in?
Georgetown. I majored in Marketing

When did you decide to blog for a living?
When I quit my job after working there for a year I decided to try blogging full time for three months. I honestly thought I'd hate it but it was the best. I finally had time for most of what I wanted to do – and had time for an actual life! Blogging went from something I did in (all) my free time to my job!

Who are some of your favorite bloggers?
I love mom blogs and catching up on my friends' lives through their blogs!

What is your favorite clothing store? What are your favorite brands?
I can always find something I love at J. Crew and Tuckernuck!

What do you do in your free time when you’re not blogging?
Reading, yoga, playing with the dogs!

In three words, how would you describe your style?
Classic, comfortable, and chic.