Sunday, August 17, 2014

Life with Lulu!

Now, I know this post is not fashion related whatsoever, but I just had to share my favorite little girl with you guys.
My family and I recently got a puppy named Lulu! She is a 12 week year old cavanese with white and apricot coloring, I love her to death.
Her breeder drove her up from their hometown yesterday in the car, and as soon as she arrived, she jumped right out of the crate and into my arms. I was quite unsure of what her first reaction to me might've been like. I didn't know if she would be shy and unfriendly at first, but she was the complete opposite! She loves being outside and running around our back yard. Although, she does get quite tired, so she definitely needs her naps. She loves playing with her toys and being with me and my family, I couldn't be happier to finally have her home.

Here is a photo of Lulu when she first arrived home...look at that adorable little face. If she wasn't my dog, I would've thought she was a stuffed animal!

Here is a photo of Lulu laying down in the yard after running around.

This is a photo of Lulu laying underneath my kitchen table playing with one of her favorite toys!

Well would you look at this little fur ball, taking a little nap in my lap after a long day. Puppies have it so rough right?

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